Upgrade to Baseball Team/League/Academy
Team Baseball
Full Access
Annual Membership
Includes access to all that InMotion Baseball has to offer for the coach and 14 players or assistants:
- Study guide area where the coach can post certain rotations for the entire team.
- Entire animated defensive playbook for the entire team.
- Over 300 animated Defensive rotations for the entire team.
- Access to entire video library for the entire team.
- Access to entire drills area for the entire team.
$395.00 Annually
Less than $27 annually per user!
League/Academy Baseball
Full Access
Annual Membership
Includes access to all that InMotion Baseball has to offer for the coach and 100 users:
- Study guide area where the Admin can post certain rotations for all users.
- Entire animated defensive playbook for all users.
- Over 300 animated Defensive rotations for all users.
- Access to entire video library for the entire for all users.
- Access to entire drills area for all users.
$999.00 Annually
Less than $10 annually per user!
Best of Show Award
American Baseball Coaches Association